Wednesday, March 19, 2008


It was a hectic, inspiring, challenging, full-of-laughter couple of weeks. Over 20 people working and playing at 100% and the two of us leading the thing running to keep up. The digital stories are wonderful, better than I could have imagined and we're all proud of the work we produced.
I'm working on them with the editor as I write this and they should be out there and online soon.

Addis pics

Not much of a chance to go out exploring - but on my way to work I did try to snap.

Then to Addis

And then the day after the exhibition opening I flew to Addis Ababa for the start of the British Council Footprints project workshop. We met the group in Nigeria last year - did some basic photography, audio and research training enabling the participants to go and research their family histories. Participants came from 6 African countries and the UK and 6 months or so later we were to meet in Addis and make digital stories from their research.

So over 20 of us more or less took over the hotel we were staying at and most definately took over the British Council's Addis office.

Addis was a beautiful setting for the workshop - very high up, cool sunlight and very warm people. Although from the start I was pretty flat out coordinating participants, schedules and training with Katharina.

The Opening

The PhotoReflect exhibition opening at Wits University went well - we're slowly creating a support network around PhotoVoice and the project there which is exciting. People are so supportive and enthusiastic, a reminder that the idea is unique and worth promoting.
There's been a lot of interest in the exhibition and the project since the opening - academics, press, mothers wanting to take their children all making enquiries. It was lovely to see some of the participants as well, however short. They're still so committed and want to do what they can to keep the project going.

The exhibition is moving to The Artists' Proof Studio in Jo'burg in the next few days.