Thursday, December 07, 2006


Some guys tried to steal my car yesterday afternoon - it was parked outside the guesthouse. Not big news and I'm glad that's all that happened. There are street guards all over the suburbs and one stopped them actually taking the car.
Then some big Boer in a 4x4 chased them as they sped off in their get away car - I'm not sure what he was hoping to achieve. When the police arrived they were very unimpressed because the Boer hadn't got a registration number.

I went to the police station and the Sergeant wrote out a statement by hand which I signed. I sat while he wrote and watched the policemen walking around with guns in their belts. On the way back he told me that the police station covers 13 suburbs and has 3 police cars to do it. And there I was being driven home.

So I'm marooned at the guesthouse until a replacement car can be delivered. The group will be taking down the exhibition today.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Big Event

The big day arrived.....

The group were very excited and we all ran around madly beforehand setting up tables, charies etc. Despite technical problems the day went very well. Less people came than I'd thought though. I asked the manager of the venue Lovelife and he said it's always like this - parents and family just never turn up to events organised by and for their children. He said he has to go knocking on doors to make adults come. But the group sang, read poetry and danced anyway. They are going to do the whole thing again on Thursday and make sure more people come.

It was a fun hectic day all the same....

The Digital Stories

While the rest of the group are planning and hanging the exhibition I'm finishing work on the digital stories.

We have eight and they're all pretty hard-hitting.
Gugu tells the story of her sister who died of AIDS - the first time she's told this story... Anna talks about getting pregnant when she was studying at college and how her family reacted to her news. Teenage pregnancy can destroy your life she says.
Jabu tells the stroy of how the jealousy of his teammates ruined his dream of becoming a professional footballer...Sylvia talks about poverty and her experience of it. Kgomotso talk about her disabled brother and his neglect and death...Vuyisile talks about his past as a criminal and how he changed his life for the better...Fikile tells the story of her abusive childhood...Bongi and Jabulile tells the story of alcohol abuse in their families.

All of these stories poured out of them.


Suddenly we're hanging the exhibition in Orange Farm. It's been such a long but short journey for all of us. The photos look great enlarged and the group are excited.

Digital Stories

Most of the group had never used computers before but it was amazing to see how quickly they picked it up.
In 2 1/2 days they had more or less finished their digital stories with the help of Matthews, Moshe, Mzukisi and Ayi. The digital stories combine their photos with a recorded narration. They're normally 3-5 minutes long.

I'm really excited and impressed by the group's narrative skills.

Next Stage

The 8 digital stories selected from the group are now being worked on at WomensNet on their computers there. While that's happening we're planning the event on the 2nd December when we'll showcase the exhibition and stories.

Its busy.